
Friday, May 11, 2012

The Accident...

Good Morning ladies & gentlemen... *blink2* banyak taie mata~~ nguakkkk!

This morning when im on my way to office thre an accident accrued at jalan menggatal, D-Max hitted a motorcyclist. At 1st when i saw the people yang kena langgar, the motorcyclist. He was lying at the road side, his leg was bleeding. I was thingking "tu lah.. suka-suka hati ja memotong, sudah ada sign jangan buat U-turn..janganla.." but, what thing that really touch my heart and really regret what i just said (eventhought dalam hati) is when i saw the person yang kena langgar punya tapao nasi. T_T!

Scattered on road. So kesian o! the rice's container break into pieces. hitted by the pass by car..and..and.. i also saw his ikan goreng at the road side.. T_T! wahhhhhrrggg ahhh..ahhh... punya main kesiannnnnn...

I was like wanna turn back my car and shouted at the d-Max's driver "KANAPA KO TIDAK ANTAR DIA PIGI HOSPITAL!!! KANAPA KASI DUDUK LAGI DIA SINI SIRING JALAN!!"

Until now, i still keep thinking the motorcyclist's condition. How was he ar? kesiannnn..

So, for you guys out there.. becarefull when you are driving.. fikir keadaan orang lain.. If we hit them, what would happen, if the people got family? *if married la kan*.

So please HATI-HATI DI JALAN RAYA ya....



  1. Agree V for others & also care for yourself...

  2. c gele pun ada nmpak tu insident,so terrible.. not only drivers should be extra carefull but oso the pejalan kaki...sometime yg ada keta ni tdak pndang lgsung pejalan kaki..jd sama2 mo carufull la kan..huhu*__*

  3. yalor...punya men kesian... betaburan bah ikan guring dia atas jalan raya... kesian nie.. T_T!

  4. alallaaa..sedih jg tu!! mayb bkn motorcyclist pnya salah kali tu mgkn tu keta yg inda nmpak dia...huhuhu
