
Monday, May 21, 2012

My phobia....

Good pm...

Who does't loved natures? I love natures...i really do..

Sabah is really rich with Flora & Fauna.. but less i like the Fauna la.. don't like! exspecially the worms.. eu! even typing the words is enough to make me geli.. apalagi mau pegang? Atukoiii...pengsan 5 hari.. hahahha!  I dont know why im so phobia to worms.. big, small, any sizes you named it.. i just hate it!

I remember once, my grandpa ask me to accompany him to go for fishing. I start sweating.. dap! dup! dap! dup! my heart pumping so fast.. yalah.. there is nothing to afraid about fishing bah.. but, one thing that make me so damn afraid is.. my grandpa always ask me to hooks the worms on his fishing hook bahhhhh..~~ T_T!

And that make me always find excuse from accompanied him. I'll say "ingkung..tu ikan kan benci bah tinguk muka saya.. lau sia ikut kan.. tu ikan tia pandai timbul tu.." And he will annoyed me by replying "alaaaa.. ko takut tu cacing makan ko baitu!" or "itu cacing kicil ko takut la? "CACING BASAR" ko ti takut?? T_T...

And there's one time, i remember when i was in primary 6. I was schooled at Beaufort,and i lived with my grandparent at Kg.Takuli.. my little brother always..i mean ALWAYSSSS like to tease and mocked me.. you know, my grandparents use to boil their drinking water on the wooden stoves. So,it's my daily routine job to boil water for our daily drinks. When i was so busy flare up the firewood, my little brother tied an earthworm onto a little stick... and he hang it above the stove. The worms hung right on my head!!  OMMMGGGGGG~~~ during composing this also i still can remember clearly the worm's look.. slimy and longggg ... silaka!!!

I stood up...and i chased him.. at that time i still holding the blowing tools to flare up the firewood.. i throw it towards him.. and...PLANG!! right on target!! YEAAAHHHH!! padan muka.. and he cried loudly.... kotoh! sepa suruh...but, i didt know his head bleeding .. O.O! My grandma scold me.. "Ko ni arrr.. kerana tu giuk kicil..ko sanggup kasi mati adik ko??"

And you guys know what???? my grandma asked me to go and throw the worm!! ARGGGGKKK!!!! because my grandma said "Jangan ko naik rumah kalau ko tidak pigi buang tu giuk arrr!" with wept.. i carried the earthworm..i can see it saying "comel kan saya~~" SILAKA!!! and threw it away..from that day,  this incident will flash into my memory whenever i saw earthworms..

Maybe my grandma was right.. im capable to kill if someone threw worms towards me..remember this arrr.. DONT EVER PLAY WITH WORMS TOWARD ME~~ kalau mau mati katak cuba la.. HAHHAHAHA!!


  1. masi ingat lg time d YL,knun kta mo makan ntah sepa yg bw tu nangka,hui..punya sadap nmpak dr luar..skali kana buka...nah!!malumpat suma tu giuk...eeee~~~sumarat~~~~~ apalg...punya laju c tenny blari p ujung meja...haha....well sum a orng ada phobia,tp klu cacing sy tdak berapa...berani pigang lg klu cicak ka,lipas ka..eeeeeeeeeeee*pkul2 kapala*^^ hehe...hv a nice day..

    1. hahhaha..ya kan pin!! pnyala tu giuk suma belumpat2 sana mo lumpat tinggi ja tu giuk hahhahah...
