
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Why i want to be a blogger?

Yup.. Why i want to be a blogger? i had already keep my dream of being blogger one day since i always read other blogger's blog. And maybe because i loved to read.. i read everything.. magazine, newspaper, books, even catalogs.. hahahha..

And you guys know what? *whispering* i loved to read in the toilet..while im doing my "business" O.o! If you go to my house and used my toilet, dont get shock if you see a book's rack in the toilet. I can spend hour in that small room. Ok enough about that *yuck!*

Back to the topics, there's certain bloggers that really impressed me.. one of them is Nara. He blogged about Malaysians artist's gossip. I like his blog very much. And also for sabahan i loved to read ah bing koko's blog. He is funny.. he blogged about Fun, Lifestyles, Foods.. etc.. sometime i can laugh so hard at office because of his post. His language really funny.. mixed with hakka and a bit malay..Someday if i already a "big" blogger..the real one la.. im going to meet them *yes! i will!*

Hey..why only guys?? ok..ok.. and there's one female blogger that i always viewed her page also is Ms.peliks. Actually i accidentally found her page when i was browsing for gambar-gambar pelik around the world. For this lady, i dont know.. her writing like have an aura of attraction for visitors to read her post. After reading her post, i was eagerly waiting for her new post.. ms.peliks bolehlah belanja lepas ni tau! hahahah..

Other people would think.."ala..mengeja pun ndah pandai, mau jadi blogger konon..apalagi mau blog pakai bahasa English" Yalah...u'll see what i can do!  But, i don't really care about what people would think or talk about me.. This is my new passion, my new hobby.. rather than i just wasting my time with things that did't really bring me benefits at all. Rite? As well as get rid of works stress.. And what makes me happy about blogging is, when everyday i see the viewer amount at my dashboard rose up everyday. In just 4 days blogging, i got 370 views. *Muka bangga berabis!* alaa.. thats nothing compared to my idol blogger.. T_T! Dont laugh at me coz my English is bertaburan~~ =O

But, think positively! I know i can do it!! Nike.. eh..silap..hahahah!

Ahhh~ thats me *the FAT lady* with the Award for best tourism attraction for Sabah Tea Garden =D


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. waa..i keep on waiting and waiting for your post yesterday u know,and finally..hehe..i will be super duper FREE for dis 2 days ba cuz my supervisor on leave for 2 days,*what a bored day~~pdhal dlm ati:siok!!!*hahaha............ well,i think i want to be ur 'blogger 1st fan',u did a great job in ur blog*mcm pgkritik artis pla,ngehe*.. ni ja la pengubat rindu mo dngar celoteh ko...apa2pun gmbar pigang piala tu jugala paling manang keep up da Great work^^

    2. owwww.....jadi fan ka kipas? hahahah.. okey will keep it up.. tengkiu ma pren!! I LOVE SO BIG U KNOW!

  2. Have fun blogging, Tenz! :D I started nearly 5 years ago. Then I stopped for a long time.. hehe Trus now sambung lagi. :p

    1. Ya? 5 years already? wow thats a long time to go for me.. Ok.. Zan.. Thanks for dropping by. I ALSO LOVE U SO BIG~ hahaha...

  3. congrat on ur newly blog!! slalu2 la ksi post yerr...mimang inda kering gusi ba lau dingar story ko ni..hahhaha..chayoo!! chayooo!!! tenny san!!! :D

    1. ooo...ya itu sudah pasti dongggg... sia mo mengubat kerinduan kamurang baitu... lama sudah ko ndah katawa2 dingar crita sia kan? hahahah.. I LOB U THE BIG!!!
