Good Day mike *sila baca dalam slang Aussie*... whohahahahahha~~
I just came back from Ranau, baru juga tadi,, hour ago.. the reason why i go to Ranau is because im attending the seminar conducted by Sabah Tourism Board. 2 Days start from 19th - 20th May 2012.
At first i heard my bos talking over the phone about this, and i offered myself to join.First of all have u heard this proverb? Don't judged the book by its cover. No? Yes? you will know shortly... :)
Our trainer was from Sabah Tourism Board her names was Pn Doreen Dominic Munting. At first when i saw her arrived at our Tea House with the ATI's staff Ms.Apple, they arrive slightly the same time as we arrived at Tea House. I was sitting at the corner of the Tea House at that time, but from a distance i looked at the trainer's face, i dont like her! because her face was like unfriendly, fierce, sombong, i dont know.. there was a mixed criteria on her face. Butul!! then i stood up, meet with them and greet Ms.Apple only! Astaga... seriously i didt even shakes my hand with the trainer..OOOMMMGGGG~~..our staff gave them their room's key to check in, at 7.30pm they had their dinner at the Tea House. Ok..normally im a very friendly person, i'll suite quickly to every guest that come to Sabah Tea.. i'll join them for dinner. But, this time different...totally different okayy.. even my bos also said "aikkk tenny...since when u become so passive with our guest? ko kana rasuk hantu pendiam ka ni atau ko tasalah makan ubat??" I just raised my shoulder... after i finish my dinner, i silently go back to my room without saying "hi!" or "hallooo.. how was the dinner? good ha?" or "have a good time while staying here ya!" with my wide ^____^ smile as i usually did.
And the seminar...jeng..jeng..jengg.... O.O! I started to feel regret to join this seminar.. and said to my self "cis! kalau la sa tau dari awal yang the trainer macam nie.. pancung kasi mati.. trus idup balik pun sa ndah mau ikut ni kursus..benci ooo!!" But, sa ikut juga la... patiently..
The trainer which is Pn Doreen walk passed us into the seminar room, i was at the third row of tables. She started the seminar by introducing her self and ask us to go in front to introduced our self, when it's come to my turn, i introduced my self with some funny faces la konon.. after i say thank you, i turned to her waiting if there is any question from her, she just signaled her hand asking me to sit down. Then i whispered to my self "aikk... semua participant dia tanya..kenapa dia ndah tanya sia ni" bah..ok la..or maybe she noticed the non-verbal clues on my face last night..~~ T_T!
But after 2 hours she's been conducting the seminar, i totally feel very-very sorry because i've judged her at the first place. PN. DOREEN DOMINIC MUNTING... HERE.. I WANT TO SAY THAT IM SOOO SORRY FOR JUDGING YOU..but most thing i can tell you guys, she is a very FIRM, EXPERIENCED AND FULL OF KNOWLEDGE WOMAN! i totally admired her instanly! with her loud and steady voice.. i didt feel sleepy at all..because im soooo interested with her talk. The way she teach us how to preserved our environment, encouraging our people to change our mind's setting, how to develop our tourism industry, how to be more tourist-friendly, what should we do to become more competitive in this field and a lot more! *muka excited* i wish to be like her someday.. *wathery blinking eyes* ngeaaaa... banyak butul la angan-angan mat jenin sa nie..
And today so proud because her GIMBARAN...*urang putih bilang sixth sence maitu*..has choosed me as one of the *performer* to do our seminar's activity. When she said "Semalam my gimbaran ask me to choose these person..listen carefully im going to call your name" when she called my name.. i was soo surprised!! I feel very appreciated..u know.. sajuk-sajuk lagi tangan sia ma.. hahahah..
ok.. as what i've promised you guys about the funny part.. here it is, Pn Doreen ask us to make a long line.. i think there is about 20-30 people of us la in that seminar room. She whispered one sentences to the 1st person.. then the 1st person will past the sentences to the 2nd person and so on... the original message for the 1st person was this "Bila bulan bersinar, kita pergi ke tasik dan tangkap katak" once Pn Doreen ask the last person.. the message become this "kalau ada masa kita bercrita-crita" HAHAHAHAHAHAH!! punya jauh tu?? astagaaaa... and we play again.. "Pukul 6.30 nanti, kita pergi pasar bali ikan basung masak masam manis" againnnn..this is become "PUKUL 6.30 KITA PIGI PASAR BILI IKAN BASUNG MASAK IKAN BILIS!" kekekekekekkekakakakakka!!! matai la!..dari mana datang tu IKAN BILIS???..tiba-tiba.. <---- the important of communication skills.
And the most funny thing that i hardly forgot is.. the important of speaking english properly... each state has their own accent, right? Like us in Sabah, we always used the word "BAH" in our daily conversation.. and negeri Perak with their "HANGPA"...and Penang "SAT LAIE NAAA" and Kelantan with "SENYUM SOKMO"...and this English sentences with one of our state's accent.."i wae fo de be, but de be di ke" <--- read as fast as you can.. and you guys guessed which state's accent is that? Im not gonna type here, karang nda pasal-pasal sia kana saman! hahahahhaha.. kalau English.. "I WAIT FOR THE BUS, BUT THE BUS DIDT CAME" so, please improve your English Pn Doreen bilang.. >.<
I didt composed this post to impress Pn Doreen or in our language KIPAS PANTAT.. NOOO.. but this is my true feeling.. my personal opinions about the seminar nor the trainer. I hope i can be repeat participant to Pn Doreen next year! I REALLY HOPE~~ Amen.
Our trainer Pn.Doreen Dominic Munting |
Sabah's most precious jewel.. just dekat-dekat with our seminar's place. |
Group photo... ^______^ see my wide smile.. |
Luanti's river..just beside our seminar's room.. imagine how cool is that? |
3 stooges from Sabah Tea.. >.<! |