
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The important of being healthy person

Wahhhh...its been a while i did't peeked my lovely blog..

Okey...murid-murid..Today topics is THE IMPORTANT OF BEING HEALTHY PERSON.. buka muka surat 5..hahahahhaha!!

No..there is no doctors nor practices in this world would ensured your health.. don't believe? if you found one, inform me quickly..hhahahah! Yaaaa.. there is no doctors in this world would say "oo.. you are can live another 30 years.." or say "You are so in healthy will not get any disease until you die" Che! you would be the dumbest people if you believe this or you are really made of dummies~~ or..the doctors will say "ok! u are healthy enough to see me" manatau bisuk mati pula~~ kwang~kwang~kwang~

Since BFF of mine detained at hospital a few days ago... every of my office mate afraid and started to worried about their health too. Naaa, ini la urang bilang....sudah terhantuk baru menangis! eh! silap... sudah terhantuk baru tengadah.. <---- malays proverb. Some of them say "aiyaaa.. i will start eating healthy foods la after this" Tapiiiii...lepas tu makan juga yang baaaaannyaaaaaakkkkkk minyak.. =_=! Balik-balik pi pantry bikin kupi.. yang manis dia 1 kilo gula punya...hahhahahah!!!

Ok. me too, maybe...maybeeeee...hehehhe..i will start to eat more healthy foods after this. But tomorrow im planning to have Ngau Chap bo~~... T_T!  Wokeyy..postpone healthy foods to next week! ngee :p

My friend...i mean my goooooood friend was awarded last week because of infection in her intestine.. before that, she had shasimi with her ex-tour friends. And the next day, she had a photo session for her upcoming wedding on this September, the photographer only had a chance to took a few snap and she collapse~~ ngehahahah!! and awarded for few days.. But, as far as i know..she is more healthier than me.. seldom sick. Compared to me.. last month only, i took 6 day unpaid leave bahhh~ Itu "sakit malas"... and we always had our lunch together, she always remind me "aiyooo...jangan makan telampau pedas-pedas ahh.. jangan makan masin ahh..jangan telampau manis ahhhh...aiyooo.. jangan minum sejuk ooo.." end up.. she's the one yang masuk hospital! KAKAKAKAKAKHAHHAHAH!!! But, behind all that.. she is true. Who else will concern to our health if not ourselves right??

And there is a funny story.. when we visited her, the accountant, GM..there's 6 of us.. one of us is my Supervisor.. soon when we were in the house, chit-chat a bit.. then suddenly my Supervisor ask the darnest question to my friend.. "are you waiting for you time?" or in bahasa "ko tunggu masa ka nie?" if in hakka "ngie tien si kan ah?" AYOOOOOO~~~ 5 of us was like.. O.O!! *kuak~kuak~kuak~ burung gagak limpas* HAHAAHHAHAH!! nasib baik mama dia ndah halau pakai panyapu..then he continued his sentences.."ooo..i mean are you waiting for your time to recover before you can resumed to work?" OMGGG~~ lenkali kasi abis laju-laju bah tu ayat...

So, health is very important to everyone! berubahlah demi masa depan negara.. <--- apaitu?? hahahhaha!!

The main point is.. we have to take care of our health. Exspecially our internal health. Drink more beer.. eh! salah ka pula tu?? hahahah! water la.. eat more vege.. eat more fruits...if you're healthy, u'll be more happier person.. like me! *basar lubang idung bangga*..

See i told ya.. this is her before she was awarded.. i bet this is the tanda-tanda bah.. hahahhah!! i bet u'all wanna know after she's came back to work..she does't remember the way to our office.. !!?? hahahahhaha!!! now you all realize THE IMPORTANT OF BEING HEALTHY huh?..

Psstt...she is reading my blog~~ maybe she want to recall her memory about me.. KAKAKAKAKKA!!

1 comment:

  1. anduuu..c c..l ka yg kana admit p hosp ten?? kesiann nyaa.. mm..susa jg ni lau inda perna sakit tba2 sakit yg plg teruk pnya, org blang 'cow2 laa' hihihih
