
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

After Lunch Hour

After you take your lunch at office kan.. normally what you all do arr? As for me, i feel sooooo damm sleepy ooo... macam mo jadi lopung +.+!

What you guys having on lunch hour normally arr? Nasi campur? mee? meehoon? Apa saja la kan.. asalkan kenyang..

To avoid my sleepiness, i blog... hahahaha.. because when i do this, my brain would start working...and searching idea to type. *buang masa* ahhahaha.. Actually i've got a lot thing to do bah at office. But, i just cannot focus rite now.. because im SLEEPYYY zzzzzzz....

Lau Kai with young corn
Chu kiok *nyum nyum*
Nyiong Bitter gourd & tou fu...
Arrr...makai he hoi arr?? ooo... Rebung bah...
Post some food's refresh my eyes...keekekkekeke!


  1. Your blog is so interestingggg...

  2. mcm mana sadap pun makanan d atas,blum dapat tanding sambal lada ko ba ging..i really miss ur sambal balacan...huhu..~~lap bihis~~~
